No-Fi Magazine

March/April 1998

here’s a band that i already liked before getting this cd. so i know the songs are good. let’s give it a listen…the vocals are a little loud in breathe (if only i could turn up the music). rancid is smooth music for spinning around in a circle and falling on the bed dizzy (try it…s’fun). i think i like the softer songs more than the harder songs on this cd. i think that’s because of what the recording process does to a band’s sound (you would never guess that iron maiden is a folk group by listening to their albums). lights out is pure kxlu genius. i’ve never heard their mykel & carli song before (weezer has one too about the two girls who ran the that dog funclub that died not too long ago). it’s a nice surprise (best one on the cd!). over all it’s a good cd, but now i’ll have to see them live again to get the full effect. get this cd for a long bath or for driving home at 3am.


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