Strobe Magazine

By Doug Tull

September/October 1994

Ear to the Ground

Sights for Sore Eyes:

New York’s D Generation and L.A.’s Dashboard Prophets, Lava Diva, Pinching Judy and Throttle all combined forces at the Roxy to shatter the tranquility and tedium of a Sunday night. Throttle put the pedal to the meta and floored their way through a set of material from their upcoming Meltdown release. Dashboard Prophets, clad in glitter suits that put Elvis to shame, tore into a rough-edged set heavy on volume and intensity. Headliners D Generation held court to an industry-heavy and punk-dense crowd. For those of you who are too young, D Generation are the ‘90s version of the legendary New York Dolls. Next up was the always entertaining Lava Diva. Guitarist/vocalist Dawn Fintor was in top form, and the band turned in a powerful set. Closing the night was the recently inked (Warner Chappell publishing) Pinching Judy. Watch for their new Meltdown album in late September.


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