Lava Diva is pairing up with KOUHIGH TOYS on Melrose to bring you a unique MUSICAL ART EXPERIENCE! “Music to My Eyes” will feature over 30 visual artists displaying a variety of art that has been inspired by music! Opening night is Saturday, January 25 at 6pm, where ACOUSTIC MUSIC will be performed by local L.A. bands; MAL, Glass Kitten, and Lava Diva. This event is FREE and ALL AGES!
List of participating artists:
Alex Novati @alexander_novati_studio
Analise X Lucy @analise_x_lucy_
Bearsockz @bearsockz (flyer artist!)
B E R T R A M @yetanotherbertram
Brandon Smith @brando_calrissian1155
Brian Castleforte @the.real.nicebunny
Cameron Edison @camerontyme
Celeste Daydreams @celeste.daydreams
Chaehyung Lee @realllhyung_
Chance Hutchison @mynameischance
Claudia Arcia @arciaclaudia
Cobalt Dave @thecobaltcafe
Crapyslapy @crapyslapy
Dawn Frinta @dawn_lunsford_music
durianne @Missdurianne
Eliana Axelrod @eliana_the_epic
Fabez @fabez
Ginger Chen @gingerdroplab
Greg Berella @walrus71167
grind3h @grind3h
Hudson Lunsford @dawn_lunsford_music
infinitewynn @infinitewynn
Johnny Whitman @gojohnnygirl
Kris Fuentes @kris_fuentes
Krista Lambert @uchihahaha_
MadGod @madgodla
Matt Powers @mattctnt
Mily Kudo @milykudo
Nancy Corcoran @dedhed82
NatGio @natgio00
Opus Oils @opusoils
Quathryn Art @quathryn_art
Saunafrog @saunafrog
Shira Brill @super_shera29
Stand Up Art @adriennegates
super cooper @supercooperberella
The Marvelous Mrs. Mosaic @marvelousmrsmosaic
Tinaweema @tinaweema2
Yoko Morimoto @yoko_morimoto_photography
…and more!!